Our Story
We believe that the most magical moments are found in the simplest routines, and we’re here to elevate those experiences for your family. Our journey began with a vision: how can we transform bedtime into a truly extraordinary experience for families?
We understand the hectic pace of modern life, and how easily it’s possible to overlook those precious moments with your children. That’s why we focus on creating sophisticated, playful products that bring families closer together. From our beautifully crafted pajamas and slippers to our unique Bath Bomb Memory Games, each is thoughtfully crafted with the finest materials and engaging design - inspiring imagination and engaging the senses.
Quality is at the heart of everything we do. Each piece is meticulously made to ensure that every touch, scent, and moment feels special. We believe in the joy of luxury—the kind that invites you to savor the little things and embrace the wonder of our domestic lives.
At Bath & Pajama, we are committed to enhancing your family’s connection and making bedtime a truly magical time. Whether it’s bath-time laughter or cozy pajama snuggles, we’re here to help you create lasting memories.
Sweet Dreams,
The Bath & Pajama Family
HQ stories
A day at the shop
Use this text to share information about your brand with your customers. Describe a story or some unique aspect of your business that will help customers relate to your brand. This could be a story from the early days of your company, or some aspect of your brand that helps you to stand out. Typically you will want this section to be about 150 words. Not too long and not too short. The goal is to give customers a reason to buy from you and not from someone else. A personal story or a convincing statement of brand values will help you accomplish that. Help customers connect with your brand and they will want to buy from you.
Main and Fifth
Our Office
Do you have a physical space that is associated with your brand? Feature it here. It doesn't have to be a beautiful storefront. It can be where you came up with the idea for your business or where you stage products for delivery. Help your customers connect the brand with a place and with real people.